Other Ingredients: Cellulose, water (vegetarian capsules), calcium
silicate, vegetable stearin, magnesium stearate and silica.
Ultra Cleansing System AM/PM is a gentle whole body cleansing
program that works on every system of your body in 30 days. The
two formulas work together to rid your body of unwanted dietary and
environmental impurities.
Guide to cleansing:
Blood (burdock, celandine, aloe)
Bowel (flax, red raspberry, aloe, marshmallow, rhubarb, fennel,
ginger, peppermint, ClearFiberTM)
Kidney (dandelion, artichoke, corn silk, burdock)
Liver (milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion, yellow dock, rhubarb,
Lung (red root, marshmallow, fennel)
Lymphatic System (echinacea, burdock, yellow dock, Oregon grape,
milk thistle)
Skin (burdock, dandelion, yellow dock)
For more information, click here to view our product document!